Ns2 project in christchurch
Ns2 project in Christchurch this synchronization is strictly not necessary; in general, redactions may occur as soon as a metarule is mat,ched. Thus, base rule ns2 project in Christchurch and metarule evaluations may be pipelined. This observation motivaks the development of the centralized two-phase Match/Tag-Fire scheme in the rest of this section. The basic ns2 project in Christchurch algorithm can be extended to the distributed case as well. We outline various distributed schemes t8hat may utilize t,he basic two-phase ns2 project in Christchurch pipeline processing method in the next, section.
In the basic centralized version ns2 project in christchurch of tthe algorithm, all sites send their rule instance as they are generated to the MRP. The goal is to have the metarule processing at the MRP nearly ns2 project in Christchurch completed by the time the last instance is received from the slowest site. This is called “two-phase rnetarule processing” , outlined in and is discussed below. There ns2 project in Christchurch is one IR for each rule in the rule program. The relation scheme for an IR is obtained by conjoining the schema of the relations referenced on the LHS of the rule. As instances of base rules are received by the MRP, they are stored in the appropriate IR. For each ns2 project in Christchurch instance received at the MRP, a structure is created to represent the set of all metarules that are capable of redacting that instance.
This is called a “Wait-For” structure, and can be viewed as a tree. The instance in question is at the root, and each child node represents ns2 project in Christchurch the LHS conditions of,a relevant metarule, represented as a list of conditional expressions that appear in the metarule. Since this is a metarule, a conditional expression is applied to instance relations as opposed to base relations.