How to Implement Network Energy Harvesting eNBB in NS2

To implement the Network Energy Harvesting eNBB (enhanced Mobile Broadband) in Network Simulator 2 (NS2), we have to support the high-bandwidth, low-latency data transmit by simulating energy harvesting in nodes. eNBB is one of the crucial 5G use cases, concentrated on offering high-speed data services with efficient energy management, certain in situations in which the energy resources are constrained, and energy harvesting is used to sustain communication. In below, we provided the implementation details of Energy Harvesting eNBB using ns2:

Key Concepts:

  1. Energy Harvesting: Nodes harvest energy from renewable sources (such as solar, RF, or kinetic) to power their operations, including eNBB communication.
  2. eNBB: Focused on delivering high-speed, high-bandwidth communication with low latency and high reliability. This requires significant energy, making energy harvesting critical in certain scenarios.

Step-by-Step Guide to Implementing Network Energy Harvesting eNBB in NS2

  1. Extend EnergyModel to Support Energy Harvesting

The default EnergyModel in NS2 tracks energy consumption, but it doesn’t include energy harvesting. You will extend it to allow nodes to accumulate energy over time, based on environmental energy sources.

Example C++ Code for Energy Harvesting Model:

class EnergyHarvestingModel : public EnergyModel {



void updateEnergyHarvested(double time);  // Update energy harvested over time

void consumeEnergyForENBB(double amount);  // Consume energy based on eNBB communication requirements


double harvestedEnergyRate;  // Energy harvested per second (e.g., from solar)

double maxEnergyCapacity;    // Maximum energy that the node can store

double currentEnergy;        // Current energy level of the node


// Constructor to initialize the energy model

EnergyHarvestingModel::EnergyHarvestingModel() : EnergyModel(), harvestedEnergyRate(0.1), maxEnergyCapacity(200.0), currentEnergy(100.0) {


// Update the amount of energy harvested over a time period

void EnergyHarvestingModel::updateEnergyHarvested(double time) {

double energyHarvested = harvestedEnergyRate * time;

currentEnergy += energyHarvested;

if (currentEnergy > maxEnergyCapacity) {

currentEnergy = maxEnergyCapacity;  // Ensure the node doesn’t exceed its maximum energy capacity



// Consume energy during eNBB communication

void EnergyHarvestingModel::consumeEnergyForENBB(double amount) {

currentEnergy -= amount;

if (currentEnergy < 0) {

currentEnergy = 0;  // Ensure energy doesn’t drop below zero



In this code:

  • updateEnergyHarvested() is called periodically to simulate energy being gathered from external sources.
  • consumeEnergyForENBB() reduces energy based on high-power eNBB communication.
  1. eNBB Traffic Model

eNBB traffic focuses on delivering high-bandwidth, low-latency communication, requiring significant energy resources. You will define a high-data-rate traffic class for eNBB, and ensure the communication consumes more energy than typical low-bandwidth communications.

Example of eNBB Traffic in C++:

class ENBBTraffic {



void sendENBBPacket();  // Send a high-bandwidth eNBB packet

bool checkEnergyForENBB();  // Check if enough energy is available for eNBB transmission


double bandwidthRequirement;  // Bandwidth requirement for eNBB communication

double energyPerPacket;       // Energy consumed per packet


// Constructor for the eNBB traffic model

ENBBTraffic::ENBBTraffic() : bandwidthRequirement(1000.0), energyPerPacket(5.0) {


// Send a high-bandwidth packet if energy is available

void ENBBTraffic::sendENBBPacket() {

if (checkEnergyForENBB()) {

// Transmit the packet using the available energy


} else {

// Not enough energy, drop the packet or defer transmission




// Check if there is enough energy to send an eNBB packet

bool ENBBTraffic::checkEnergyForENBB() {

return currentEnergy >= energyPerPacket;  // Ensure enough energy is available


In this example:

  • The ENBBTraffic class manages high-bandwidth, energy-consuming traffic.
  • sendENBBPacket() sends packets only if there is sufficient energy.
  1. Modify MAC Layer for eNBB Traffic Handling

The MAC layer should be extended to handle eNBB traffic, ensuring that high-bandwidth packets are prioritized when energy is available, and energy-efficient scheduling is used.

Example: Prioritize eNBB Traffic in MAC Layer:

class ENBBMac : public Mac {



void transmitPacket(Packet *p);

void scheduleENBBTransmission(Packet *p);  // Prioritize eNBB transmission based on energy


bool hasEnergyForENBB;  // Check if the node has enough energy for eNBB traffic


// Constructor

ENBBMac::ENBBMac() : Mac(), hasEnergyForENBB(true) {}

// Transmit a packet, prioritize eNBB traffic based on energy availability

void ENBBMac::transmitPacket(Packet *p) {

if (isENBBPacket(p)) {

if (hasEnergyForENBB) {

scheduleENBBTransmission(p);  // Schedule transmission if enough energy is available

} else {

dropPacket(p);  // Drop the packet if insufficient energy for eNBB


} else {

Mac::transmitPacket(p);  // Handle other types of traffic normally



// Schedule eNBB transmission

void ENBBMac::scheduleENBBTransmission(Packet *p) {

// Immediately schedule eNBB traffic if energy allows



This code ensures that eNBB traffic is transmitted with higher priority when sufficient energy is available, otherwise, it defers or drops the packet.

  1. Energy-aware Scheduling for eNBB

To handle energy-harvesting nodes, an energy-aware scheduler is required. This scheduler decides when and how eNBB packets should be transmitted based on the energy level. If energy is low, the node may prioritize energy-saving modes or defer the transmission until more energy is harvested.

  1. Integrate Energy Harvesting and eNBB in NS2

Once the energy harvesting model and eNBB traffic model are implemented, integrate them into NS2 by setting up nodes with energy harvesting capability and configuring eNBB traffic.

Example Tcl Script for Energy Harvesting eNBB Simulation:

# Create a simulator instance

set ns [new Simulator]

# Create nodes

set node1 [$ns node]

set node2 [$ns node]

# Attach energy models (with energy harvesting)

set energyModel1 [new EnergyHarvestingModel]

set energyModel2 [new EnergyHarvestingModel]

$node1 set energyModel_ $energyModel1

$node2 set energyModel_ $energyModel2

# Set up MAC layer for eNBB traffic

$node1 set mac_ [new Mac/ENBBMac]

$node2 set mac_ [new Mac/ENBBMac]

# Define eNBB traffic sources

set enbbAgent1 [new Agent/ENBB]

set enbbAgent2 [new Agent/ENBB]

$ns attach-agent $node1 $enbbAgent1

$ns attach-agent $node2 $enbbAgent2

# Set up traffic sources (eNBB traffic)

set enbbCbr [new Application/Traffic/CBR]

$enbbCbr set packetSize_ 1024

$enbbCbr set interval_ 0.001  ;# High-frequency, high-bandwidth traffic

$enbbCbr attach-agent $enbbAgent1

# Start the simulation

$ns at 1.0 “$enbbCbr start”

# Run the simulation

$ns run

  1. Evaluate Network Performance

Once the simulation is complete, evaluate the performance using key metrics such as:

  • Energy Harvesting Efficiency: Track how much energy is harvested and how it supports high-bandwidth communication.
  • Throughput: Measure the data rate achieved by eNBB traffic.
  • Packet Delivery Ratio (PDR): Measure the ratio of successfully delivered packets.
  • Latency: Ensure that eNBB traffic meets the low-latency requirements typical of high-bandwidth applications.
  • Energy Consumption: Analyze the energy consumed by the nodes to support eNBB communication.

Follow the delivered demonstration on how you can establish the network Energy Harvesting eNBB (enhanced Mobile Broadband) in NS2 environment by extending energy models and apply eNBB Traffic model into it. You can visualize the outcomes of the simulation.

For modified implementation support on Network Energy Harvesting eNBB in NS2 guidelines and project ideas, get in touch with Keep in contact with us to receive the best advice for implementation and the best outcomes.