Such flexible test sets are also extremely crucial in low power test Data pushing using IPT in content-centric networking generation techniques like those in among many others, where important power reduction may be obtained when appropriately fixing the unspecified bits. Data pushing using IPT in content-centric networking The work in this paper considers the problem of relaxing an detect test set. The proposed method also applies to multiple detect test sets where, instead of , a variable number of tests exists per fault, but, Data pushing using IPT in content-centric networking without any loss of generality, we present it here only for -detect test sets.Whenever, necessaryweelaborate on the trivial modifications that must be made for multiple detect test sets. The method starts with an initial given test Data pushing using IPT in content-centric networking set whichcan be fully or partially specified. The total number of specified bits in the resulting test set is minimized, while maintaining its original -detect fault coverage. Furthermore, the test set size isguaranteed not to increase; actually, it is often decreased.Themotivation behind this problem is that a test bit needs to be initially fixed only if this helps the -detect fault coverage, otherwise it can be left unspecified. The generated relaxed test set can then be used in a variety of applications that fix the unspecified bits appropriately. The applied fully specified test set is expected to have similar defect and non-targeted fault coverages to that of the original test set. This is justified Data pushing using IPT in content-centric networking by the simple observation that in existing test generation techniques considering the traditional -detect fault definition, any improvement in the coverage of non-targeted faults and defects, beyond the -detect per targeted fault improvement, is caused by the random bit fixing. The latter is supported by experimentally obtained data. Relaxation of detect test setswas studied in which proposed methods relying on various Automatic Test Pattern Generation ATPG concepts in order to identify specified bits in the test set that can be replaced by don’t care values. proposed a method for identifying don’t care bits in a test pattern using ATPG concepts such as implication and justification. used a similar rationale, taking into consideration testability measures in the justification process. Data pushing using IPT in content-centric networking Extending these methods to -detect test sets is not straightforward. Actually, all of these methods benefit from identifying essential tests which do not exist in -detect test sets. The recent method of also consider test set relaxation, but in a dynamic manner. They do not consider an initial test set to be relaxed; rather, theATPG process is restricted to consider the number of specified bits in the generated compact test set. As a result, it cannot be easily extended to -detect test sets, especially for large values of . The recent work of proposes a new static technique for test relaxation under the physically-aware -detect model, utilizing some existing concepts for detect and -detect test set relaxation. While the extension of both the static and dynamic methods to -detect test sets could be investigated, Data pushing using IPT in content-centric networking in this work we propose a new methodology that is optimized based on the characteristics and parameters of the -detect test sets. In this work, test set relaxation does not imply that the specified bits of the relaxed test set are a subset of the specified bits of the initial test set, as it is the case with the existing relaxation methods in Rather, relaxation refers to the process of increasing