Micro base station aided vehicular ad hoc networking
All other faults those with , are detected at least times in the relaxed test set. Increase of the fault coverage of may occur due to coincidental detections for any fault with Micro base station aided vehicular ad hoc networking. Constraint guarantees that the relaxed test set has no more tests than , preventing the relaxation process from increasing the size of the test set in an attempt to give a higher number of unspecified bit in the test set. Constraint comes directly from the definition of the relaxation problem since the overall goal is to decrease the portion of specified bits in the test set.
PROPOSED METHODOLOGY Micro base station aided vehicular ad hoc networking In the proposed method, every test in is systematically replaced by a new test with more unspecified bits. The algorithm concentrates on one fault Micro base station aided vehicular ad hoc networking at a time to determine different Micro base station aided vehicular ad hoc networking tests that detect the fault such that the number of bits that can be relaxed in the entire test set is maximized. Put differently, the algorithm determines tests to explicitly target the fault and relaxes the bits required to detect the fault in the remaining tests. We first give the theoretical framework and then we present in detail all the steps of the proposed methodology Theoretical Framework Consider a fault detected by . Let denote the set of tests in that detect fault .
Micro base station aided vehicular ad hoc networkings
The algorithm finds the tests in , given in that should detect fault Micro base station aided vehicular ad hoc networking. Consider a test . Let the number of specified bits in that can be unspecified if no longer detects be denoted by . Micro base station aided vehicular ad hoc networking In other words, Micro base station aided vehicular ad hoc networking is the contribution, in specified bits, of fault in test . Then, the total number of specified bits in that can become unspecified if fault is only detected by test and not by any other in is given by Thus, denotes the gain in unspecified bits if fault is only explicitly targeted during the test generation by test . Of course, coincidental detection of by other tests Micro base station aided vehicular ad hoc networking may occur but this is done with no extra cost in terms of specified bits. In order to determine which tests of must explicitly target fault , we calculate different times, removing from each time this calculation is made.
All the selected tests form the set of tests that explicitly target fault . It can be argued that, since we want to find the number of test set bits that can become unspecified after keeping only detections, should take into consideration all combinations of detections. In other words, it is a question whether keeping the detections that give the larger specified bits relaxation is as effective as keeping the combination of detections that give the larger relaxation. Next, we prove that the two decision criteria are identical. First we slightly modify equations in order to evaluate the gain and maximum gain in specified bits considering all combinations of detections for the same fault With we denote a subset of of size . Thus, is calculated for all combinations of tests out of all tests that detect fault . Similarly, becomes When an -detect test set is fault simulated against a fault list , there exist a set of faults that are detected more than times.