ARQ scheme of multimedia streaming for hybrid delivery over heterogeneous network
According to Theorem the same sets of test will be selected if instead of is used for consecutive times. Observe that computes the benefit in ARQ scheme of multimedia streaming for hybrid delivery over heterogeneous network specified bits when the detection ofis achieved by only one test at a time. These calculations are done using and are listed on the left table of For example if is enforced to be detected only by and no othertest in , bits can become don’t cares. Obviously, the desired test in this case is , since it gives the maximum gain in specified bits. The second best test is , giving eight specified bits reduction.
ARQ scheme of multimedia streaming for hybrid delivery over heterogeneous network These two tests, and are by definition the elements of . coincides with even though two different equations have been used for their construction. Observe that, the values of and do not reflect the ARQ scheme of multimedia streaming for hybrid delivery over heterogeneous network actual number of specified bits that become unspecified yet the same set is formed with smaller effort calculation instead The effort reduction is even larger in real cases where a lot of faults have a large number of tests detecting them and is typically between The actual number of specified bits that become don’t cares can be obtained by subtracting the cost corresponding to the selected tests ARQ scheme of multimedia streaming for hybrid delivery over heterogeneous network from the total number of specified bit that can be relaxed when is no more detected by any test Proposed Algorithm shows the proposed algorithm.
ARQ scheme of multimedia streaming for hybrid delivery over heterogeneous networks
The input parameters are the circuit-under-test , the test set to be relaxed , the –detect parameter , and the considered fault model based on which the targeted fault list is derived First, fault simulation is performed to derive the complete fault list as ARQ scheme of multimedia streaming for hybrid delivery over heterogeneous network well as the fault lists for each test . To achieve this no fault dropping is allowed. Then, the algorithm iterates over each fault , following a predefined ordering see discussion in Section in order to determine the “best” tests to detect . This is done by examining only tests in that detect , that is For every test the contribution of in is first calculated This is a crucial step which invokes a test generation routine. Specifically,to find for a fault and a test detecting the faults in , we generate a test cube targeting faults in .
If the number of specified bits in a test is denoted by , then, . This is the number of specified bits savings if test no longer detects fault . Once is calculated for every test , the total gain in unspecified bits meaning is detected by but not by for every test is easily computed Consequently, the tests giving the maximum gain are determined This is achieved by calculating times the maximum gain, each time removing all the previously found tests with maximum gain. Tests , form the set containing all tests that detect The next steps convey the dynamic nature of the algorithm. Once set is determined, it is no longer necessary for tests to detect . Therefore, the fault list for each of the remaining tests is updated. In this manner, fault will never be targeted in any subsequent test generation step Observe that if a test’s fault list becomes empty at any point,