Introduction of Contiki OS Projects

            The major characteristics of the Contiki OS are pre-emptive multithreading, event-driven kernel, etc. Contiki OS is created especially for sensor devices and is an open-source operating system.

Major Advantages in Contiki OS

            The following is about the uses of the Contiki OS Projects and it is useful for the research scholars to develop their research in Contiki OS

  • Contiki consist of the low power radio communication stack, multitasking kernel, and TCP and IP application programs
  • It is the multi-tasking, highly portable, open-source, and networked operating system

Notable Modules in Contiki OS

            Let us discuss the modules in the Contiki OS with their functions as follows

Modules and their Uses

  • It is used for the configuration process and the functions of the host such as Linux and Windows
  • It is utilized for the enlargement and the debug

Key Classes in Contiki OS

            Hereby, we have been clarified the major classes of Contiki OS projects below but the research students may use numerous classes with the support of libraries. We can provide the in-depth analysis and implementation support for the selected class to develop your research

Classes and its Purposes

  • ViewRSSI
    • It is used to identify the RSSI related process with the support of the values such as
      • Margin from the right
      • Number of dBm the grey RSSI falls each sample
      • Margin from the top and Interfered channel
      • Maximum value obtainable from RSSI readings of CC2420
      • Number of the channel of 1 MHz sampled
      • Margin from the bottom

Significant Tools in Contiki OS

            Our research experts have lots of experience with the integrated tools and their functions in Contiki OS projects for more reference you can contact us for the implementation. Here, the tools are highlighted below

Tools and its Uses

  • Cooja
    • It is the cross-level wireless sensor network simulator used for the integration process
    • It permits the control strategies for the development and debugs through the wireless sensor network with the virtual and real hardware modules

Software Requirements in Contiki OS Projects

            For your reference, we have listed down the important programming languages used in the Contiki OS

Programming Languages in Contiki OS

  • Java
  • C

            The notable operating systems in Contiki OS are listed below. And we extend our support for your requirements in research

OS Support in Contiki OS Projects

  • Contiki-3.0
  • Ubuntu-16.04

The versions in Contiki OS are useful for the research scholars to update their knowledge. The versions are

Versions in Contiki OS

  • Contiki OS

Vital Protocols in Contiki OS

            Our research professionals are well versed in all the protocols and we provide support for your selected research protocols. Here, we have listed the significant protocols in Contiki OS

  • Adaptive Fibonacci Based Tuning Protocol
    • It is used to update the message frequencies with the battery level of the sensor nodes for better results we can use the increased intervals in place of the fixed intervals
  • Any to One Communication Protocol
    • In general, there are several sensor nodes in the networking areas for the functions such as transmitting data to sink nodes, saving energy consumption, etc
    • It is used to find the best sensor node with the practice of machine learning model
    • The sensor node can transmit the data to several sensor nodes and it will stay rest until the arrival of the next cycle
Top 6 Interesting Contiki OS Research Projects

Foremost Subjects in Contiki OS

            Therefore, we have listed down the recent subjects in the Contiki OS

  • Low Power Chips and Radio Frequency Chip Process
    • With of Cooja network simulator, the Contiki programming takes place in the collection of REID chips and sensors
    • The remote IOT devices are controlled, programmed, and monitored with the C programs
    • It can provide the best results in the IPv6 and IPv4 networking along with the integration of the lightweight protocol

Essential Parameters in Contiki OS

            Generally, parameters are used for the evaluation process in research projects. Thus, the research experts have highlighted the notable parameters in the Contiki OS projects

  • Hop Count
    • It is used to choose the least hop count for the destination and for example, many nodes with the similar RSSI and ETX value means the least hop might be chosen
  • Traffic Overhead
    • DIO, DIS, and DAO are the three control messages in the RPL Routing Protocol, node clients will the control messages for root nodes to calculate the metrics of control traffic overhead

Subject Based Modules in Contiki OS Projects

            The following is about the research subjects with the supportive modules in the Contiki OS

COAP Process Syntax in Contiki OS Projects

            For your reference, the research experts have listed down the significant syntaxes used in the Contiki OS

static struct uip_udp_conn *udp_conn = NULL;

static uint16_t current_mid = 0;

coap_status_t erbium_status_code = NO_ERROR;

char *coap_error_message = “”;


/*- Local helper functions ————————————————–*/


static uint16_t

coap_log_2(uint16_t value)


  uint16_t result = 0;

  do {

    value = value >> 1;


  } while(value);

  return result ? result – 1 : result;



static uint32_t

coap_parse_int_option(uint8_t *bytes, size_t length)


  uint32_t var = 0;

  int i = 0;

  while(i < length) {

    var <<= 8;

    var |= bytes[i++];


  return var;



static uint8_t

coap_option_nibble(unsigned int value)


  if(value < 13) {

    return value;

  } else if(value <= 0xFF + 13) {

    return 13;

  } else {

    return 14;




static size_t

coap_set_option_header(unsigned int delta, size_t length, uint8_t *buffer)


  size_t written = 0;

  buffer[0] = coap_option_nibble(delta) << 4 | coap_option_nibble(length);

  if(delta > 268) {

    buffer[++written] = ((delta – 269) >> 8) & 0xff;

    buffer[++written] = (delta – 269) & 0xff;

  } else if(delta > 12) {

    buffer[++written] = (delta – 13);


  if(length > 268) {

    buffer[++written] = ((length – 269) >> 8) & 0xff;

    buffer[++written] = (length – 269) & 0xff;

  } else if(length > 12) {

    buffer[++written] = (length – 13);


  PRINTF(“WRITTEN %zu B opt header\n”, 1 + written);

  return ++written;



static size_t

coap_serialize_int_option(unsigned int number, unsigned int current_number,

                          uint8_t *buffer, uint32_t value)


  size_t i = 0;

  if(0xFF000000 & value) {



  if(0xFFFF0000 & value) {



  if(0xFFFFFF00 & value) {



  if(0xFFFFFFFF & value) {



  PRINTF(“OPTION %u (delta %u, len %zu)\n”, number, number – current_number,


  i = coap_set_option_header(number – current_number, i, buffer);

  if(0xFF000000 & value) {

    buffer[i++] = (uint8_t)(value >> 24);


  if(0xFFFF0000 & value) {

    buffer[i++] = (uint8_t)(value >> 16);


  if(0xFFFFFF00 & value) {

    buffer[i++] = (uint8_t)(value >> 8);


  if(0xFFFFFFFF & value) {

    buffer[i++] = (uint8_t)(value);


  return i;



static size_t

coap_serialize_array_option(unsigned int number, unsigned int current_number,

                            uint8_t *buffer, uint8_t *array, size_t length,

                            char split_char)


  size_t i = 0;

  PRINTF(“ARRAY type %u, len %zu, full [%.*s]\n”, number, length,

         (int)length, array);

  if(split_char != ‘\0’) {

    int j;

    uint8_t *part_start = array;

    uint8_t *part_end = NULL;

    size_t temp_length;

    for(j = 0; j <= length + 1; ++j) {

      PRINTF(“STEP %u/%zu (%c)\n”, j, length, array[j]);

      if(array[j] == split_char || j == length) {

        part_end = array + j;

        temp_length = part_end – part_start;

        i += coap_set_option_header(number – current_number, temp_length,


        memcpy(&buffer[i], part_start, temp_length);

        i += temp_length;

        PRINTF(“OPTION type %u, delta %u, len %zu, part [%.*s]\n”, number,

               number – current_number, i, (int)temp_length, part_start);

        ++j;                    /* skip the splitter */

        current_number = number;

        part_start = array + j;


    }                           /* for */

  } else {

    i += coap_set_option_header(number – current_number, length, &buffer[i]);

    memcpy(&buffer[i], array, length);

    i += length;

    PRINTF(“OPTION type %u, delta %u, len %zu\n”, number,

           number – current_number, length);


  return i;


Major Applications in Contiki OS

            Here, we have listed out the substantial applications in the Contiki OS and we extend our support for other applications too

  • Periodic Traffic
    • The receiver should turn on the radio to detect the preamble sent by the transmitter and the receiver has to receive the data packets
    • Contiki MAC is used for the reduction of energy consumption

Topmost Algorithms in Contiki OS

In iFog simulator, there are several algorithms but we have listed only a few for your reference and for the development of the project

  • Centroid
    • With the benefit of its thickness, all the mobile nodes are receiving the notification commencing from the beacons
    • The location of the mobile nodes are computed by the determination of midpoint in the anchor nodes and it is able to function in the absence of referral nodes
  • Trilateration
    • Initially, it sends a hello message for all the mobile nodes in the transmission range, RSSI value is measured when the response is received from the anchor nodes
    • Through this the distance among the mobile nodes and the neighbor anchors are computed

Topical Areas in Contiki OS

            We have listed down the most novel research areas and the implementation process in Contiki OS for the research scholars to get a quick grasp of the research subject

  • Energy-Aware Approaches
    • It is used for the selection of the best route using the residual energy, expected transmission count, and routing metrics load
    • It is based on the fuzzy logic related energy-aware routing protocol and in addition, Cooja simulator is used for the functions of FLEA RPL

Significant Process in Contiki OS Projects

            Let us discuss the significant process used in the Contiki OS

  • It is the process of communication among the Cooja and GISOO
  • Input and output pins, time synchronization, and UDP sockets are essential for the communication process

Important Steps in Contiki OS

            Our research professionals in the Contiki OS have listed down the step involved in the process of the Contiki OS projects implementation

  • It starts with the IOT edge environment by connecting the IOT devices
  • Then IOT devices are connected to MELs for the notification
  • The sensing process is started to transmit the edge let
  • Simultaneously, the location and the consumption of the battery in IOT and edge devices are tracked
  • End

Routing Protocols in Contiki OS Projects

            Our research experts have highlighted the routing used in the Contiki OS for instance real-time routing protocols

  • Energy Harvesting Aware Ad Hoc On-Demand Distance Vector Routing Protocol
  • It takes over the benefits of AODV and the capability of energy harvesting of sensor nodes in the network
  • It is mainly used for data transmission in the application environment

Recent Project Topics in Contiki OS

            Hereby, we have enlisted the research projects titles with the appropriate implementation process in the Contiki OS projects

  • Contiki OS are used to create a project to perform the process of warm hole attack detection and transfer the sensing data
  • Contiki OS are used to create a project to perform the process of route selection and packet transmission
  • Contiki OS are used to create a project to perform the process of sensed packet transmission based on Artificial Neural Network-based Intrusion Detection System
  • Contiki OS are used to create a project to perform the process of packet transmission