Is it Possible to Perform LTE Module Simulation on Ns2 Software?
Of course, we can perform the LTE module simulation in Ns2 software over the integration of LTE with Ns2. Now, let’s get into the step by step process of performing the LTE module simulation on Ns2 software with the implemented screenshots in the following.
Phase: I
Firstly, we have to freely download the LTE patch file through the below mentioned URL.
Phase: II
Following that, we have to integrate the LTE patch file with Ns 2.35 over the execution of below mentioned steps.
- Copy and paste the download LTE path in Ns2.35 folder
- Implement the below mentioned commands to integrate the LTE module with Ns2.25
cd /home/research/ns-allinone-2.35/ns-2.35
patch -p1 -t < lte-ns2.35.patch
Phase: III
At that time, we have to create the LTE based simulation along with the 10 UE nodes in the Ns2 simulator just by creating the Tcl based code as mentioned in the following image.
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