Ns2 Simulation Tutorial for Beginners
Are you people existed to know more about the execution of Ns2 simulation? Then stay tuned with this article!
Download Ns2 Simulator Package for Install
To begin with, we have to download the packages based on Ns2.35 using the below mentioned URL.
Install Ns2 Simulator Supporting Packages
In addition, the network simulator 2 requires some packages which have to be pre installed and that also required the GCC- version 4.3 to implement the existing work. Thus, we have to install the packages through implementing the commands that have been highlighted in the following.
sudo apt-get install build-essential autoconf automake libxmu-dev
sudo apt-get install gcc-4.4
Install Ns2 Simulator
Subsequently, we have to implement the commands that have been highlighted in the Ubuntu terminal to install Ns2 in Ubuntu.
cd ~/ns-allinone-2.35/
sudo ./install
Run Ns2 Simulation Main File
To run the Ns2 simulation main file, we have to execute the steps that have been highlighted in the following.
- Create Tcl based main configuration file in the project location
- Then, we have to open the terminal and change the project location for the execution of Tcl file and then we acquire the below mentioned result window
cd /home/research/NS2_SIMULATOR
sudo ./ns Main.tcl
Ping us to get know more about the execution of network simulator 2!!!