How to Install Ns2 in Ubuntu
This article is considered as the representation of the process of installing network simulator 2 in Ubuntu.
Extraction of Ns2 Packages in Ubuntu
Initially, we have to download the Ns2 packages and then we have to extract the downloaded packages based on Ns2 using the below mentioned steps.
- Copy and paste the downloaded Ns-allinone-2.35.tar.gz packages into the home drive
- Then, we have to right click on the package and select the extract option to acquire the results
Installation of Ns2 in Ubuntu
For the installation of network simulator 2 in Ubuntu, we have to implement the below mentioned commands.
cd /home/research/ns-allinone-2.35
sudo ./install
Execution of Ns2 in Ubuntu
To execute the Ns2 simulation in Ubuntu, we have to change the location of project workspace and implement the below mentioned commands to implement the main file which is stored along with the file extension of .tcl.
./ns Main.tcl
If you are in search of consistent and appropriate research guidance in Ns2 in addition with the implementation process, then reach us and team up with our research experts for the best results.