Analyzing Metropolitan-Area Networking within Public Transportation Systems for Smart City Applications
the leftmost table corresponds to the gain computation step of the algorithm while the right-most table corresponds to the fault lists updating step of the algorithm The rows of each table correspond to the test patterns in the test set showing the actual bit orientation in the test pattern. The last but one column at each table shows the faults detected by each test while the last column reports the values of where applicable. Analyzing Metropolitan-Area Networking within Public Transportation Systems for Smart City Applications A valid detection for the fault considered at each iteration is denoted by bold font.
A sketched fault denotes that the fault is no more detected by the corresponding test. For instance, in fault is no more detected by tests and , while it is detected by and . The given initial test set has no unspecified bits and the fault simulation identifies the lists of faults that are detected by each test . Analyzing Metropolitan-Area Networking within Public Transportation Systems for Smart City Applications We follow the execution of the proposed algorithm Analyzing Metropolitan-Area Networking within Public Transportation Systems for Smart City Applications by considering the fault orderin The first iteration considers fault . Using we calculate the gain in specified bits for each one of the tests and , when fault is only considered in one of the corresponding lists Analyzing Metropolitan-Area Networking within Public Transportation Systems for Smart City Applications.
Analyzing Metropolitan-Area Networking within Public Transportation Systems for Smart City Application
Recall that denotes how many specified bits can be changed into unspecified if is explicitly targeted only by test . According to if is enforced to be detected by test and not by any other test that also detects it specified bits can be converted into don’t cares. This gain. Since, the algorithm selects the “best” valuesthose that give the highest gain in specified bits, in this case tests and . Analyzing Metropolitan-Area Networking within Public Transportation Systems for Smart City Applications The two highest gains are shown in angular brackets. In fault is removed from and so in the corresponding tests become unspecified, that is in shown in bold. Analyzing Metropolitan-Area Networking within Public Transportation Systems for Smart City Applications At this point note that, the number of test set bits that become unspecified is always less than the minimum of the tests that the algorithm keeps for the detection of fault .
This comes from the definition of is defined as the gain in unspecified bits when fault is only explicitly targeted by test , which means that in order to obtain this gain we must remove all the other detections and keep only . In this example, two tests are kept for each fault and, thus, the contribution of the second test has to be removed from the expected gain of the first test. As an example consider the case of . The values of the gains due to the tests that will continue to detect after the relaxation are and . These values have been calculated provided that only one test is kept for . For instance, the value of implies that will become unspecified if all , and do not explicitly detect . However, since will continue to detect after the relaxation, its contribution to should not be considered in the total gain, giving unspecified bits gain. This gain is always smaller than the gains calculated for each test except when the contribution of a test is zero for the detection of that fault indicating coincidental detection of a fault. According to Theorem this