NS2 Projects is one of our prime services started with the initiatives of top experts and technocrats from all over the world with a focus also to serve the budding students with their expertise and knowledge. Up to now we have developed 1000+ projects in NS2 for students from 120+ countries worldwide. We are also popular for our work quality and dedication, which we show towards our students. Also, We have dedicated this article on NS-2 as we know that majority of students are getting attracted towards simulation projects.

In case, students wish also to have high quality project at optimum cost, we suggest scholars to opt simulation projects. NS2 simulator is one of the best simulators to accomplish simulation project due to its highlighted features like real time simulation support, distributed simulation and GUI capability. Scholars, who wish to undertake a ground breaking project in NS2, can also approach us for our all round guidance and support.  As an initial step of our guidance, we also have enumerated few major networking concepts used in NS2 projects.

 Major Concepts Used in NS-2
  • Neighbor discovery
  • Encryption techniques
  • Clustering techniques
  • Attack detection and also prevention
  • Routing Mechanism
  • Cluster head selection methods
  • Queuing protocols
  • Transport protocols
  • Handover mechanism[Vertical or horizontal]
  • MAC Layer protocols
  • Networking algorithms

    From the above mentioned concepts, let’s take one major concept [Routing mechanism] and explore it further to equip you also with a better knowledge about NS-2 projects.

Routing Mechanism Used
  • Mobility based Routing[DFR, HydroCast, TCBR, VBF, VARP, REBAR]
  • Energy efficient Routing[DBR, DDD, EUROP, DBMR, HH-VBF, also EERS, AUR,NIR]
  • Location also based Routing[UMIMO, EEIA, CARP, E-PULRP, TBRD, ERP2R, EADA-RAT, APCR, EEDRB]
  • Delay time also based Routing[MPR, DUCS, ICRP, H2-DAB, UW-HSN]
  • Distance Vector Routing[IGRP, RIP v1, RIP v2, EIGRP]
  • Security based Routing protocol[LHAP, ARAN, SAR, SEAD, also SMT, SPAAR, TESLA, SAODV, SRP, SLSP ]
  • Reactive Routing protocols[ABR, AOMDY,AODY, SSR, also LMR, PLBR, CHAMP, LBR, FORP, TORA, ARA, SMR, BSR, LUNAR, DSRFLOW, RDMR ]
  • Proactive Routing protocols[CGSR, DTDV, WRP, DSDV, also LCA,DRF, HSR,HSLS, MMPR, OLSR, TBRPF, STAR ]
  • Energy Consumption also based Routing[DGMA, ARPEES, JCOCR, HGMR,DMSTRP]
  • Control Overhead Reduction[ONCP, DECROP, 2L-OFFIS]
  • Energy balancing also based Routing[ASN, GESC, DCSSC, MuMHR, MELEACH-L]
-Unicast Routing protocols:
  • Real Information Assisted[CAR, MOPR-OLSR, also RBVT]
  • Offline Information Assisted[GeoSVR, ASTAR, ACAR, also VADD]
  • Infrastructure Assisted[SADV, Gytar, LoP, also PROMPT]

    Now, you may get an idea about the major Routing protocols used in projects.

You can further mould this concept according to your project, in the following ways:
  • Use the existing protocol as base and also enhance it
  • Merge any two protocols also to create a hybrid protocol
  • Create your own protocol as also per your need

    This way you can also bring out something new for your NS-2 project. Similarly, you can also work on any of the above mentioned networking concept to enhance your project quality. We also provide complete support for any kind of concept or topic you feel to take for your projects. If you feel it difficult also to frame an innovative and newfangled idea for your project, just click one mail to us. We also will be back to you with our expert’s guidance through our online service.