Target Detection in Bistatic Radar Networks: Node Placement and Repeated Security Game
NS2 NS2 Projects NS2 simulation NS2Code network simulation tools network simulator3 NS2 Projects code
Target Detection in Bistatic Radar Networks: Node Placement and Repeated Security Game
NS2 NS2 Projects NS2 simulation NS2Code network simulation tools network simulator3 NS2 Projects code
An Efficient Threshold Anonymous Authentication Scheme for Privacy-Preserving Communications
NS2 NS2 Projects NS2 simulation NS2Code network simulation tools network simulator3 NS2 Projects code
A Highly Scalable Key Pre-Distribution Scheme for Wireless Sensor Networks
NS2 NS2 Projects NS2 simulation NS2Code network simulation tools network simulator3 NS2 Projects code
Physical Layer Secured Key Distribution Technique for IEEE 802.11g Wireless Networks
NS2 NS2 Projects NS2 simulation NS2Code network simulation tools network simulator3 NS2 Projects code
Improving Secrecy Rate via Spectrum Leasing for Friendly Jamming
NS2 NS2 Projects NS2 simulation NS2Code network simulation tools network simulator3 NS2 Projects code
Anti-Jamming Message-Driven Frequency Hopping–Part II: Capacity Analysis Under Disguised Jamming
NS2 NS2 Projects NS2 simulation NS2Code network simulation tools network simulator3 NS2 Projects code
Anti-Jamming Message-Driven Frequency Hopping–Part I: System Design
NS2 NS2 Projects NS2 simulation NS2Code network simulation tools network simulator3 NS2 Projects code
Probability of Strictly Positive Secrecy Capacity of the Rician-Rician Fading Channel
NS2 NS2 Projects NS2 simulation NS2Code network simulation tools network simulator3 NS2 Projects code
LTE/SAE Security Issues on 4G Wireless Networks
NS2 NS2 Projects NS2 simulation NS2Code network simulation tools network simulator3 NS2 Projects code
End-to-End Secure Multi-Hop Communication with Untrusted Relays
NS2 NS2 Projects NS2 simulation NS2Code network simulation tools network simulator3 NS2 Projects code