Mining Semantic Context Information for Intelligent Video Surveillance of Traffic Scenes
NS2 NS2 Projects NS2 simulation NS2Code network simulation tools network simulator3 NS2 Projects code
Mining Semantic Context Information for Intelligent Video Surveillance of Traffic Scenes
NS2 NS2 Projects NS2 simulation NS2Code network simulation tools network simulator3 NS2 Projects code
Distance Bounding: A Practical Security Solution for Real-Time Location Systems
NS2 NS2 Projects NS2 simulation NS2Code network simulation tools network simulator3 NS2 Projects code
Security Analysis of a Single Sign-On Mechanism for Distributed Computer Networks
NS2 NS2 Projects NS2 simulation NS2Code network simulation tools network simulator3 NS2 Projects code
Modeling and Optimizing the Performance- Security Tradeoff on D-NCS Using the Coevolutionary Paradigm
NS2 NS2 Projects NS2 simulation NS2Code network simulation tools network simulator3 NS2 Projects code
Review of Security Issues in Industrial Networks
NS2 NS2 Projects NS2 simulation NS2Code network simulation tools network simulator3 NS2 Projects code
A Maximum-Flow-Based Complex Network Approach for Power System Vulnerability Analysis
NS2 NS2 Projects NS2 simulation NS2Code network simulation tools network simulator3 NS2 Projects code
Smart Charger for Electric Vehicles with Power Quality Compensator on Single-Phase Three-Wire Distribution Feeders
NS2 NS2 Projects NS2 simulation NS2Code network simulation tools network simulator3 NS2 Projects code
Design and Implementation of Digital Control in a Fuel Cell System
NS2 NS2 Projects NS2 simulation NS2Code network simulation tools network simulator3 NS2 Projects code
NetSimplex: Controller Fault Tolerance Architecture in Networked Control Systems
NS2 NS2 Projects NS2 simulation NS2Code network simulation tools network simulator3 NS2 Projects code
Performance of HTTP Protocol in Networked Control Systems
NS2 NS2 Projects NS2 simulation NS2Code network simulation tools network simulator3 NS2 Projects code