Pretest Gap Mura on TFT LCDs Using the Optical Interference Pattern Sensing Method and Neural Network Classification
NS2 NS2 Projects NS2 simulation NS2Code network simulation tools network simulator3 NS2 Projects code
Pretest Gap Mura on TFT LCDs Using the Optical Interference Pattern Sensing Method and Neural Network Classification
NS2 NS2 Projects NS2 simulation NS2Code network simulation tools network simulator3 NS2 Projects code
Cloud-Based Networked Visual Servo Control
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Comprehensive Real-Time Simulation of the Smart Grid
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Advanced Diagnosis of Electrical Faults in Wound-Rotor Induction Machines
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Fault Ride-Through Improvement of DFIG-WT by Integrating a Two-Degrees-of-Freedom Internal Model Control
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Multiagent-Based Distributed-Energy-Resource Management for Intelligent Microgrids
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An Integrated Power Consumption Model for Distributed Systems
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Detection and Diagnosis of Faults in Induction Motor Using an Improved Artificial Ant Clustering Technique
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Bearing Fault Detection by a Novel Condition-Monitoring Scheme Based on Statistical-Time Features and Neural Networks
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Parallel PI Voltage–H8 Current Controller for the Neutral Point of a Three-Phase Inverter
NS2 NS2 Projects NS2 simulation NS2Code network simulation tools network simulator3 NS2 Projects code