A Quality of Experience Handover System for Heterogeneous Multimedia Wireless Networks
NS2 NS2 Projects NS2 simulation NS2Code network simulation tools network simulator3 NS2 Projects code
A Quality of Experience Handover System for Heterogeneous Multimedia Wireless Networks
NS2 NS2 Projects NS2 simulation NS2Code network simulation tools network simulator3 NS2 Projects code
Caching for IPTV distribution with time-shift
NS2 NS2 Projects NS2 simulation NS2Code network simulation tools network simulator3 NS2 Projects code
Mitigating the Asymmetric Interests Among Peers in Peer-to-Peer Video-on-Demand Systems
NS2 NS2 Projects NS2 simulation NS2Code network simulation tools network simulator3 NS2 Projects code
QoE Evaluation for Video Streaming over eMBMS
NS2 NS2 Projects NS2 simulation NS2Code network simulation tools network simulator3 NS2 Projects code
A Theoretical Framework for Solving the Optimal Admissions Control With Sigmoidal Utility Functions
NS2 NS2 Projects NS2 simulation NS2Code network simulation tools network simulator3 NS2 Projects code
An Edge Router Based Distributed Admissions Control Over Real-Time Media Streams
NS2 NS2 Projects NS2 simulation NS2Code network simulation tools network simulator3 NS2 Projects code
Advanced Resource Provisioning in Context-Sensitive Converged Networks
NS2 NS2 Projects NS2 simulation NS2Code network simulation tools network simulator3 NS2 Projects code
Energy and Latency Impact of Outsourcing Decisions in Mobile Image Processing
NS2 NS2 Projects NS2 simulation NS2Code network simulation tools network simulator3 NS2 Projects code
Spatio-temporal Analysis for Smart Grids with Wind Generation Integration
NS2 NS2 Projects NS2 simulation NS2Code network simulation tools network simulator3 NS2 Projects code
Deadline-Aware Co-Scheduling Using Anycast Advance Reservations in Wavelength Routed Lambda Grids
NS2 NS2 Projects NS2 simulation NS2Code network simulation tools network simulator3 NS2 Projects code