How to Implement Decentralized Networks in ns2
To implement the decentralized networks in ns2, we have to simulate a network architecture that should disperse the decision-making, data storage and communication through several nodes deprived of depending on a central authority. These networks are often used in peer-to-peer systems, blockchain networks and particular kinds of ad hoc networks.
In below, we present the implementation guide of decentralized networks in ns2:
Step-by-Step Implementation:
- Understand Decentralized Network Components:
- Peer Nodes: Each node in a decentralized network behaves as both a client and a server, participating in data sharing and communication devoid of depend on a central server.
- Routing Protocol: In a decentralized network, routing decisions are made locally by each node, commonly using protocols like AODV or DSR.
- Data Distribution: Data can be distributed over the network in a peer-to-peer manner, where each node holds a portion of the data.
- Set Up the NS2 Environment:
- Make certain to install and configure the ns2.
- Get to know the writing TCL scripts, as NS2 simulations are controlled through TCL.
- Define the Network Topology:
- Generate nodes indicating peers in the decentralized network. These nodes will communicate with one another without counting on a central authority.
# Define the simulator
set ns [new Simulator]
# Create a trace file for analysis
set tracefile [open w]
$ns trace-all $tracefile
# Create a NAM file for animation
set namfile [open out.nam w]
$ns namtrace-all-wireless $namfile 10
# Set up the network parameters
set opt(chan) Channel/WirelessChannel ;# Channel type
set opt(prop) Propagation/TwoRayGround ;# Radio-propagation model
set opt(netif) Phy/WirelessPhy ;# Network interface type
set opt(mac) Mac/802_11 ;# MAC type
set opt(ifq) Queue/DropTail/PriQueue ;# Interface queue type
set opt(ll) LL ;# Link layer type
set opt(ant) Antenna/OmniAntenna ;# Antenna model
set opt(ifqlen) 50 ;# Max packet in ifq
set opt(x) 1000 ;# X dimension of the topography
set opt(y) 1000 ;# Y dimension of the topography
set opt(adhocRouting) AODV ;# Ad hoc routing protocol (suitable for decentralized networks)
# Create a topography object
create-god 50
# Configure the nodes (e.g., peer nodes in the decentralized network)
$ns node-config -adhocRouting $opt(adhocRouting) \
-llType $opt(ll) \
-macType $opt(mac) \
-ifqType $opt(ifq) \
-ifqLen $opt(ifqlen) \
-antType $opt(ant) \
-propType $opt(prop) \
-phyType $opt(netif) \
-channelType $opt(chan) \
-topoInstance $topo \
-agentTrace ON \
-routerTrace ON \
-macTrace OFF \
-movementTrace ON
# Create nodes: Peer Nodes in the decentralized network
set peer1 [$ns node] ;# Peer Node 1
set peer2 [$ns node] ;# Peer Node 2
set peer3 [$ns node] ;# Peer Node 3
set peer4 [$ns node] ;# Peer Node 4
# Set initial positions for the nodes
$peer1 set X_ 200.0
$peer1 set Y_ 200.0
$peer1 set Z_ 0.0
$peer2 set X_ 400.0
$peer2 set Y_ 200.0
$peer2 set Z_ 0.0
$peer3 set X_ 200.0
$peer3 set Y_ 400.0
$peer3 set Z_ 0.0
$peer4 set X_ 400.0
$peer4 set Y_ 400.0
$peer4 set Z_ 0.0
- Simulate Peer-to-Peer Communication:
- Execute peer-to-peer communication in which the nodes interchange data directly with one another.
# Peer 1 sends data to Peer 2
set tcp_peer1 [new Agent/TCP]
$ns attach-agent $peer1 $tcp_peer1
set tcp_peer2_sink [new Agent/TCPSink]
$ns attach-agent $peer2 $tcp_peer2_sink
$ns connect $tcp_peer1 $tcp_peer2_sink
# Start sending data from Peer 1 to Peer 2
set app_peer1 [new Application/FTP]
$app_peer1 attach-agent $tcp_peer1
$ns at 1.0 “$app_peer1 start”
# Peer 3 sends data to Peer 4
set tcp_peer3 [new Agent/TCP]
$ns attach-agent $peer3 $tcp_peer3
set tcp_peer4_sink [new Agent/TCPSink]
$ns attach-agent $peer4 $tcp_peer4_sink
$ns connect $tcp_peer3 $tcp_peer4_sink
# Start sending data from Peer 3 to Peer 4
set app_peer3 [new Application/FTP]
$app_peer3 attach-agent $tcp_peer3
$ns at 2.0 “$app_peer3 start”
- Implement Decentralized Routing:
- Permit the nodes to dynamically find paths to other nodes by using decentralized routing protocols like AODV (Ad hoc On-Demand Distance Vector) or DSR (Dynamic Source Routing).
# Example of decentralized routing: Peer 1 finds a route to Peer 4 via Peer 2 and Peer 3
proc find_route {src dst} {
global ns
puts “Finding route from $src to $dst using decentralized routing”
$ns at [expr $ns now + 0.1] “$src send route_request to $dst”
# Schedule route discovery
$ns at 1.5 “find_route $peer1 $peer4”
- Simulate Data Sharing and Distribution:
- Execute a basic data sharing features in which their peers can demand and share data with one another.
# Example procedure to request data from a peer
proc request_data {requester provider data} {
global ns
puts “$requester requests $data from $provider”
$ns at [expr $ns now + 0.1] “$provider send $data to $requester”
# Peer 2 requests data from Peer 1
$ns at 3.0 “request_data $peer2 $peer1 {file1.txt}”
# Peer 4 requests data from Peer 3
$ns at 4.0 “request_data $peer4 $peer3 {file2.txt}”
- Implement Distributed Data Storage (Optional):
- Accomplish distributed data storage in which the data is recreated or sharded over several peers to expand the simulation.
# Example of distributing data storage across peers
proc distribute_data {data} {
global ns
puts “Distributing $data across multiple peers”
$ns at [expr $ns now + 0.1] “$peer1 store $data_part1”
$ns at [expr $ns now + 0.1] “$peer2 store $data_part2”
$ns at [expr $ns now + 0.1] “$peer3 store $data_part3”
$ns at [expr $ns now + 0.1] “$peer4 store $data_part4”
# Distribute a file across the peers
$ns at 2.5 “distribute_data {large_file.txt}”
- Run the Simulation:
- State when the simulation should complete and execute it. The finish procedure will close the trace files and introduce NAM for visualization.
# Define the finish procedure
proc finish {} {
global ns tracefile namfile
$ns flush-trace
close $tracefile
close $namfile
exec nam out.nam &
exit 0
# Schedule the finish procedure at 10 seconds
$ns at 10.0 “finish”
# Run the simulation
$ns run
- Analyze the Results:
- Assess the data transfers, route finding and network performance by using the trace file (
- Open the NAM file (out.nam) to visualize the network operations and monitor the interactions amongst peer nodes.
- Customize and Extend:
- You can tailor the simulation by:
- Attaching more peer nodes and generating a more difficult decentralized network.
- For more efficient data lookup, execute earliest decentralized algorithms like consensus mechanisms (used in blockchain) or distributed hash tables (DHTs).
- Replicating various environments like node failures, dynamic network topology changes, or changing data request patterns.
Example Summary:
In this sample, we sets up a simple decentralized network simulation using ns2 which is aiming on peer-to-peer interaction, decentralized routing and basic data sharing. It demonstrates how nodes can interact and share data without depending on a central authority.
Advanced Considerations:
- For more extreme scenarios, consider incorporating NS2 with other tools or building custom modules to recreate latest decentralized technologies like blockchain, distributed ledger technology (DLT), or mesh networking.
- Attach advanced technologies like security (such as encryption, authentication), fault tolerance or dynamic resource allocation in the decentralized network by expanding the simulation.
Debugging and Optimization:
- Debug the replication and evaluate the packet flows by utilizing the trace-all command.
- Enhance the simulation by refining routing algorithms, modifying data sharing mechanisms, and tuning network parameters for better performance.
In conclusion, we provided the information regarding the implementation, evaluation, extension and uses of decentralized network which will be executed in Network Simulator 2 (ns2). If needed, we will show you additional details of these types of networks or their security features. Implementation of Decentralized Networks in ns2 are carried out by us tailored to your needs, we offer best project guidance for you