How to Implement Network Cloud Storage in NS2
To implement and replicate the network cloud storage within NS2, we want to simulate communication among the cloud storage server and clients. This replication includes numerous activities like file uploads, downloads, and possibly real-time interactions among several clients and a central server, which performs as the cloud storage platform.
The cloud storage is normally encompass the high bandwidth, reliable data transfer for file uploads/downloads, and probably some control signalling. We can be mimicked it using TCP for reliable file transfers as well as UDP if we require to model less reliable real-time interactions or control signalling. Here’s a significant process to implement and replicate the network cloud storage within NS2:
Step-by-Step Implementation:
Key Aspects to Simulate:
- File Uploads: Replicated using large data transmissions (TCP).
- File Downloads: Also mimicked using TCP.
- Control Signaling: It can emulate using smaller, frequent packets (TCP/UDP).
- Multiple Clients: Mimicking numerous clients for accessing the similar cloud storage server.
Example Tcl Script for Cloud Storage Simulation:
# Create a new simulator instance
set ns [new Simulator]
# Define output trace file for analysis
set tracefile [open w]
$ns trace-all $tracefile
# Define animation file for NAM visualization
set namfile [open cloud_storage.nam w]
$ns namtrace-all $namfile
# Define nodes (clients and cloud storage server)
set client1 [$ns node] # Cloud storage client 1
set client2 [$ns node] # Cloud storage client 2
set cloud_server [$ns node] # Cloud storage server
# Create duplex links between clients and cloud storage server
$ns duplex-link $client1 $cloud_server 10Mb 20ms DropTail
$ns duplex-link $client2 $cloud_server 10Mb 20ms DropTail
# ——————– Simulating File Uploads ————————-
# Define TCP agents for file upload from client1 to cloud server
set tcp_upload1 [new Agent/TCP]
$ns attach-agent $client1 $tcp_upload1
set tcp_sink_upload1 [new Agent/TCPSink]
$ns attach-agent $cloud_server $tcp_sink_upload1
# Connect TCP agents for upload
$ns connect $tcp_upload1 $tcp_sink_upload1
# Define FTP traffic generator for file upload
set upload_traffic1 [new Application/FTP]
$upload_traffic1 attach-agent $tcp_upload1
# Start file upload at 1 second
$ns at 1.0 “$upload_traffic1 start”
$ns at 5.0 “$upload_traffic1 stop”
# ——————– Simulating File Downloads ————————
# Define TCP agents for file download from cloud server to client2
set tcp_download1 [new Agent/TCP]
$ns attach-agent $cloud_server $tcp_download1
set tcp_sink_download1 [new Agent/TCPSink]
$ns attach-agent $client2 $tcp_sink_download1
# Connect TCP agents for download
$ns connect $tcp_download1 $tcp_sink_download1
# Define FTP traffic generator for file download
set download_traffic1 [new Application/FTP]
$download_traffic1 attach-agent $tcp_download1
# Start file download at 2 seconds
$ns at 2.0 “$download_traffic1 start”
$ns at 6.0 “$download_traffic1 stop”
# ——————– Simulating Control Signaling ———————
# Define UDP agents for control signals between client1 and cloud server
set udp_control1 [new Agent/UDP]
$ns attach-agent $client1 $udp_control1
set udp_sink_control1 [new Agent/Null]
$ns attach-agent $cloud_server $udp_sink_control1
# Connect UDP agents for control signaling
$ns connect $udp_control1 $udp_sink_control1
# Define CBR traffic generator for control signals
set control_traffic1 [new Application/Traffic/CBR]
$control_traffic1 attach-agent $udp_control1
$control_traffic1 set packetSize_ 64 # Small packet size for control signaling
$control_traffic1 set rate_ 64Kb # Low bandwidth for control signals
$control_traffic1 set interval_ 0.1 # Frequent control signaling (every 0.1 second)
# Start control signaling at 0.5 seconds
$ns at 0.5 “$control_traffic1 start”
$ns at 7.0 “$control_traffic1 stop”
# ——————– Multiple Client Access to Cloud Storage ———–
# Define TCP agents for file download from cloud server to client1
set tcp_download2 [new Agent/TCP]
$ns attach-agent $cloud_server $tcp_download2
set tcp_sink_download2 [new Agent/TCPSink]
$ns attach-agent $client1 $tcp_sink_download2
# Connect TCP agents for download (client1 downloading a file)
$ns connect $tcp_download2 $tcp_sink_download2
# Define FTP traffic generator for file download to client1
set download_traffic2 [new Application/FTP]
$download_traffic2 attach-agent $tcp_download2
# Start file download for client1 at 3 seconds
$ns at 3.0 “$download_traffic2 start”
$ns at 7.0 “$download_traffic2 stop”
# ——————– Finishing the Simulation ————————–
# Set simulation end
$ns at 8.0 “finish”
# Define the finish procedure
proc finish {} {
global ns tracefile namfile
$ns flush-trace
close $tracefile
close $namfile
exec nam cloud_storage.nam &
exit 0
# Run the simulation
$ns run
Explanation of the Script:
- Node Creation:
- These three nodes are made: client1 and client2 are denote two cloud storage clients, and cloud_server signifies the cloud storage server.
- Duplex links are configure among the cloud server and the clients with a bandwidth of 10Mb and a latency of 20ms to replicate the network connections among the clients and the server.
- File Upload Simulation:
- TCP is used for reliable data transmission that to mimic the file uploads from client1 to the cloud server.
- FTP traffic is used to model large data transfers (file uploads). The file upload is begins at 1 second and stops at 5 seconds.
- File Download Simulation:
- Also TCP is used for file downloads from the cloud server to the client2.
- The file download is begins at 2 seconds and ends at 6 seconds.
- Control Signalling Simulation:
- UDP is used to replicate the control signals interchanged among the client1 and the cloud server, like connection establishment or small metadata exchanges.
- Manage the signalling begins at 0.5 seconds and ends at 7 seconds. The control traffic is made using CBR (Constant Bit Rate) including small packets to denote the frequent signalling.
- Multiple Client Access:
- Client1 also executes a file download from the cloud server, beginning at 3 seconds and also ending at 7 seconds.
- This simulates various clients for accessing the cloud storage concurrently.
- Simulation Schedule:
- The simulation stops at 8 seconds with all the traffic activities finished.
- Running the Simulation
We can save the Tcl script as cloud_storage_simulation.tcl then we run it in NS2:
ns cloud_storage_simulation.tcl
- Visualizing the Simulation with NAM
We can be visualized the network activity using NAM by running:
nam cloud_storage.nam
It will be displayed the packet flows among the clients and the cloud server that signifying file uploads, downloads, and control signalling.
- Analysing the Trace File
The trace file ( includes the informations regarding the packet transmission, reception, and loss. We can be used this to compute:
- Throughput: How much data is well uploaded or downloaded to/from the cloud server.
- Latency: Calculate the round-trip time for control signals or file transfers.
- Packet Loss: Significant for make sure that reliable file transfers.
- Congestion: If numerous clients are accessing the cloud server concurrently then we can assess the network congestion and examine its effect on the performance.
- Extending the Simulation
- More Clients: Append additional clients to replicate a real-world cloud storage environment including several users are accessing and uploading files concurrently.
- Congestion Simulation: Append the background traffic to emulate the network congestion and monitor how it impacts the cloud storage performance.
- Security Simulation: Replicate encrypted file transfers by appending more overhead to packet sizes or launching encryption delays.
- Variable File Sizes: Change the FTP traffic generator to mimic the variable file sizes and upload or download durations.
As illustrated above, we expressed the stepwise implementation procedure with some relevant coding on how to simulate the Network Cloud Storage within NS2 platform. We ready to provide more informations as required in future.
If you’re looking to implement Network Cloud Storage in NS2, head over to for some great project ideas that fit your research needs. We’re ready to assist you whenever you need help!