Mobile Ad Hoc Network (MANET) is a special infrastructure-less infrastructure for mobile data communication. Due to the specialized characteristics present in mobile ad hoc networks are widely used in many applications. As mentioned above the demerits in some cases attributed to disturbances in the performance of MANET. What are the bases on which mobile ad hoc network project topics are evaluated?
- End to end delay
- Network overhead
- Throughput
- Packet delivery ratio
This allows the deployment of MANET in adverse conditions also which include disaster management applications, defense applications, etc. The major advantage of mobile ad hoc networks is that they do not require special infrastructure to be established. For instance, let us consider the frequent breakages in the link that is observed in mobile ad hoc networks. The following are the reasons for it.
- Maximum rate off-channel error
- The properties of the path like bandwidth, packet loss rate, and delay
- Node mobility
- Contentions in link layer
The mobile ad hoc networks are of different types which are primarily based on the application for which they are used. It is also based on the fundamental working of the system. The following are the most important types of mobile ad hoc networks
- Internet-based mobile ad-hoc networks or iMANET
- Linking nodes of internet gateway that is fixed and mobile nodes
- Vehicular ad hoc networks
- Communication among roadside devices and vehicles
- Intelligent vehicular ad hoc networks
- Intelligent behavior of ad hoc networks is ensured at adverse events like drunken driving cases and accidents
If you have been searching for expert advice on choosing the best mobile ad hoc network project topics then you are at the aptest place. We have been guiding research projects in MANET for more than 15 years. Our experts have been working on mobile ad hoc network research topics since its precursor stage.
So we have been closely observing the advancements that are taking place in MANET research. Hence we can guide you in all aspects of your research in ad hoc networks. Connect with us to let you know in detail about the services that we offer. Now let us have some ideas on the terminologies used in MANET.
- Consistency, Management, and Discovery are the important terminologies used in MANET
There are also many other technical terminologies that game significance in mobile ad hoc network functioning. You might have known the meaning of these terms prior. Here you can also seek the help of our research experts who are ready to provide you with total assistance for your research.
Our developers and subject experts will make your work easier than before both in literature-related activities and technical aspects of your research respectively. Get in touch with our technical team so as to understand various other terminologies and their importance in MANET research. Now let us see important criteria that are essential for mobile ad hoc network researchers to understand.
The following criteria in MANET are very much important for its functioning.
- Load in communication
- The amount of packets transmitted and received by a node in a certain interval of time refers to communication load
- Minimal load containing nodes are preferred in the hop role
- Mobility
- Distance between two node locations refers to mobility
- Mobility can be relative in terms of variations in direction, motion, and velocity
- When the ability of the neighbor is maximum a particular node show high performance even if it is having less mobility
- Quality of neighbors
- The quality of the node is decided based on its neighbor
- If the neighbor remains for a long time then the node is good
- Future mobility plays an important role in determining the quality of the neighbor
- Trust and reputation
- Good nodes are always used for routing
- A node’s dedication to the network functioning is used to evaluate its quality of trust
These criteria have to be considered of the utmost importance when you design a mobile ad hoc network. Your project will gain significance only when it satisfies all the above criteria at the maximum level.
To achieve this objective you can approach our technical experts who feel happy to help you always. We are here to support you throughout your research. Now let us have some ideas on mobility prediction techniques.
The methods and techniques used for predicting mobility in a mobile ad hoc network are based on the topology and prior history. The following are the common mobility prediction techniques used in MANET projects.
- Based on the history of the movement
- Physical topology
- Estimation of time and link expiration
- Estimating link availability
- Network partition
- Cluster change
- Logical topology
- By using the mobility of neighboring nodes
- Using evidence
- Information theory
You can get all details on the working of different techniques mentioned above to predict the mobility of a node from our engineers. As we have been helping researchers design the best projects in predicting mobility of mobile ad hoc network nodes you can get any kind of doubt cleared from our experts. There are a lot of research challenges that we use to face in mobile ad hoc network research. Let us now talk about such challenges below.
The following are the challenges faced by researchers in MANET
- Design of antenna
- Challenges
- Multipath effect
- The capacity of the channel
- Interference issues
- Smart antennas can be the best solution to the above issues
- Challenges
- Routing
- Challenges
- Wormhole attack
- Blackhole attack
- Loops in routing
- Solutions
- Hybrid routing protocols (proactive and reactive)
- Routing based on position
- Challenges
- MAC layer
- Challenges
- Exposed and hidden node issues
- Blocking head of the line
- Deafness
- Solutions
- Solutions based on contention (and also independent of it)
- Directional antenna
- QoS aware MAC
- Challenges
- Management of energy
- Challenges
- Nodes that are less powered
- Coordination in energy management of different layers
- Solutions
- Controlling transmission power
- Routing that is energy efficient
- Challenges
- Multicasting
- Challenges
- A network topology that keeps changing
- Limitations in resource
- Mesh, hybrid, and tree protocols are good solutions to challenges in multicasting
- Challenges
- Transport protocol
- Challenges
- Reduced throughput as a result of congestion control
- Utilizing the network layer data is the solution director bi transport protocol challenges
- Challenges
- Addressing
- Challenges
- Denial of service attacks might be possible
- Addressing server is not present
- Stateful and stateless approaches are the solutions to addressing issues
- Challenges
- Security
- Challenges
- Hostile environment
- Security infrastructure that is lacking
- Solutions
- Detection of intrusion
- Security in routing
- Challenges
- Cooperation
- Challenges
- Less trust among nodes
- Solutions
- Mechanism-based on incentive
- Enforcing cooperation
- Challenges
- Data access latency
- The distance between source and request increases latency is also increased
- Constraints in bandwidth
- Contention exists in the band because of the devices in the network
- Memory resources that are limited
- The memory left for storage in mobile devices is usually less
- Intermittent connectivity
- At times it is possible that then nodes do not get access to the source of data
- This is due to the dynamic behavior of the mobile ad hoc network
- Energy resources that are limited
- The battery capacity of mobile devices are limited
- Faults in routing
- Break in the route can be seen as a result of the network’s dynamic behavior
We provide you with the research issues and challenges that you might face in any mobile ad hoc network project topics that you chose to work on. We also give you the possible solutions to many of the issues.
Still, there are research issues that need in-depth research for better solutions. We encourage researchers to take up such issues and find the best possible solutions so that the project can become more important. Now let us understand the techniques and methods in mobile ad hoc networks.
The following are the most important techniques and methods in MANET projects.
- Deception methods
- Honeynet and Honeypots
- Target in motion
- Detection methods
- Detecting anomaly
- Matching pattern
- Analysis of graph
- Monitoring methods
Monitoring methods include the monitoring of the following
- Memory
- Desk
- Packet
- Logs
- Code
Our technical team will give you all the technical data of the projects that we guided so that you can easily understand the practical implications of the above methods and techniques. We are ready to guide you on any mobile ad hoc network project topics that you are interested in. We will provide you with complete data which would range from very basics to the present advanced research in your topic.
For this purpose, we used to refer only to authentic and reliable sources. From the information that we gathered till now, we provide you the details of emerging technologies that can have a great impact on mobile ad hoc networks below.

There are many technologies that are emerging these days. Here is a list of such technologies which have the potential to enhance mobile ad hoc network research.
- Architectures and applications of ad hoc networks
- Aerospace applications like communication
- Secured wireless communication (cyber security provisions)
- Deterministic networks
- Fog and edge computing
- Internet of drones
- Internet of things applications
- Computing platforms using mobile Adhoc networks
- Social networking in mobile
- Softwarization of networks
- Precision agriculture
- Unicast, multicast routing protocols
- Protocols and services that are secure
- Sensor networks
- Vehicular networks
- Wireless software installation
- Internet of things in medical applications
- 5G technology
- Intelligent systems which work automatically
- Data sending based on big data analysis
- Delay tolerant networking
- Disaster management purposes
- Decentralized ad hoc network algorithms
- Satellite networks using hybrid internet of things
- Internet of mobile things
- Long-range coverage using the internet of things (sigfox, lora, and NB IoT)
- Edge computing
- Communication systems in nanoscale
- Wireless communications under optical phenomena
- Networking and processing technologies
- Issues in computation and complexity
- Satellite communication
- Self-configuring properties
- Service Discovery mechanisms
- Virtualization of network function defined by software
- Unmanned aerial vehicles
- Mesh networks under wireless conditions
- Smart mobility
- Softwarization and wireless
We help you in understanding, learning, and implementing any advanced technologies into your mobile ad hoc network project topics. Reach out to us at any time regarding any kind of clarification for your research preparations. Developers are updating themselves regularly so as to cope with the increasing demands expected out of ad hoc network research. Now we will give you details on certain project areas in the mobile ad hoc network.
As mobile ad hoc networking is gaining more importance the project areas of research in the field is also expanding. The following are the most recent research topics in MANET.
- Issues in algorithms
- Access control
- Efficiency of energy
- Handling and utilizing mobility
- Prototypes for real-world applications
- Standardization
- Performance evaluation methods (analytical)
- Management and discovery of the location
- Optimization of protocols
- Quality of service issues
- Synchronization of timing
We provide you with research support on all the above topics. With the experience that we earned, we have got the potential to take your research in any mobile ad hoc network project topics to the next advanced level. The latest technologies are bringing in more development to mobile ad hoc networks. Such technologies include 5G and the internet of things. Let us see their impact on ad hoc networks below.
As the 5G is being implemented on large scale around the world, it happens to influence the existing technological applications in a great way. The following are the way in which IoT and 5G can impact MANET.
- Communication
- New MANET approaches for satellite networks
- IoT traffic offloading based on satellite backhaul
- Remote sensing, satellite communication, and earth observation applications based on the internet of things
- Novel strategies involving hybrid networks
- Optimal protocols for terrestrial networks using satellites
- Disaster management using IOT
- Prediction and minimizing disaster risks
- Internet of things applications for disaster risk recovery
- Emergency responses using the internet of things
- Precision and smart agriculture using the internet of things
- Internet of things applications for irrigation and management of crops
- Agriculture management using IOT
- Monitoring climatic changes using IOT
- IOT systems for farm management (end-to-end)
The MANET applications become more crucial with the use of technologies like the Internet of things and 5G into them. Potential areas of research and application of advanced mobile ad hoc networks are still being probed. We will get you in close ties with MANET researchers from around the world so that you can gain their experience too. Now let us have some idea on simulation techniques used in ad hoc networks.
Simulators play a major role in any research project. The working and performance efficiency of the system that we designed can be better understood only using simulation tools and techniques. The following are the simulators used in ad hoc networks.
- Opnet
- Language used – C ++
- Its features are designed to support the following
- VoIP
- Ipv6
- Grid computing
- Ad hoc network
- Glomosim
- Glomosim is a free simulator
- Parsec is the language it supports
- It is deployed in the following
- Scalable simulation
- Support various mobility models
- Ad hoc networking
- Visualization
- NS 2
- NS 2 is a open source free simulation tool
- Languages supported – TCL, C
- It supports multicasting, routing protocols, and visualization (and also TCP)
- SWANS ++
- It is an open-source simulation that is free to use
- It supports java
- It is the best simulator for ad hoc networks and wireless networks
- It is of great use in routing protocols and mobility models
- OMNET ++
- OMNET ++ is a free open-source simulation tool
- It supports C++
- It is the best simulator for mobile and wireless network simulation
We gained enough experience in working with all these simulation tools. So we can guide you in all aspects of your research including technical details and support for simulators. Get in touch with us to know the different mobile ad hoc network project topics in which we gained expertise.