Network virtualization based seamless networking scheme for fiber-wireless FiWi networks
the total number of unspecified bits in order to make the test set more “flexible” for other applications. Network virtualization based seamless networking scheme for fiber-wireless FiWi networks A novel systematic test replacement algorithm is proposed, in which each test is replaced by a new one that detects a subset of the faults detected by the first one, with fewer specified bits. In order to maintain the fault coverage, each fault is guaranteed to be detected at least times, where this is possible. Network virtualization based seamless networking scheme for fiber-wireless FiWi networks The algorithm explicitly removes additional more than detections for each fault.
The latter is possible since experimentation shows that in -detect test sets the average detections for each fault is much greater than , mainly, due to the presence of many easy-to-detect randomly detected faults. Network virtualization based seamless networking scheme for fiber-wireless FiWi networks Specifically, the methodology targets an optimization problem; it determines the most appropriate tests to detect a fault among all of the tests that detect the fault that give the maximum benefit in terms of specified bits savings in the entire test set. Thus, it selects the “best” tests to detect the fault Network virtualization based seamless networking scheme for fiber-wireless FiWi networks and drops the fault from the remaining tests in order to reduce the total number of specified bits in these tests. The obtained results indicate that the new method is very successful in reducing the total number of specified bits, with often a decrease to the final test set size.
Network virtualization based seamless networking scheme for fiber-wireless FiWi network
A simple X-filling Network virtualization based seamless networking scheme for fiber-wireless FiWi networks method for low power testing has been used in order to demonstrate how relaxed test sets can benefit low power testing. The rest of this paper is organized as follows elaborates on our motivation and presents supportive data. Section gives necessary notation and the problem formulation, Network virtualization based seamless networking scheme for fiber-wireless FiWi networks and Section describes the proposed technique. Acomprehensive example illustrating the proposed method’s execution is presented in Section. Section gives the obtained experimental results for the specified bits reduction as well as the impact of the proposed method in X-filling for low power test. This experimentation was done using the popular stuck-at model; however, other linear fault models can be used such as the transition fault model. Section concludes this paper.
Network virtualization based seamless networking scheme for fiber-wireless FiWi networks MOTIVATION Previously proposed methods for deriving single-detect relaxed test sets can be categorized into static or dynamic Static methods consider an initial test set whereas dynamic methods incorporate the problem in the ATPG process. Extending these methods to -detect test sets is not straightforward. Actually, the static methods benefit from identifying essential tests a test is essential if it is the only one detecting a fault which do not exist in -detect test sets. Network virtualization based seamless networking scheme for fiber-wireless FiWi networks Moreover, the common underlying idea used in both types of methods is the identification of coincidental multiple times fault detections, a fault is detected by several different tests even though it was only targeted once in the test generation process. The latter occurs very often, especially in the traditional stuck-at fault model, because the majority of the faults are easy-to-detect also referred to as randomly detected faults. The static methods drop multiple times detection implicitly, through fault simulation and fault dropping, in order to determine bits that can be relaxed.