ns2 project in Arizona
ns2 project in Arizona our middleware infrastructure ns2 project in Arizona utilizes software agents to provide flexible and expandable middleware services for
high-performance Java environments. The main functions
of the agents are to deploy, schedule, and support the
execution of the parallel/distributed Java code, in addition
to managing, controlling, monitoring, and ns2 project in Arizona scheduling the
available resources on a single cluster or on a collection of
heterogeneous systems. When a parallel Java application is
submitted, an agent performs the following tasks: 1. Examine available resources and schedule the job for
execution, while balancing the load. 2. Convert ns2 project in Arizona scheduled user classes into threads, then
remotely upload and execute them directly from the
main memories on the remote machines. 3. Monitor and ns2 project in Arizona control resources and provide monitoring
and control functions to the user. For high throughput, the agents are multithreaded,
where each thread serves a client’s request. Once user ns2 project in Arizona threads are deployed, they directly communicate with one
another to perform parallel tasks, thus freeing the agents and reducing the overhead on the user programs. Agents’
communication mechanisms are implemented using sockets
and each agent consists of a number of components
whose main functions are described below, although many
of these functions can be independently ns2 project in Arizona enhanced to
provide different levels of services.
The Request Manager handles user job requests
such as deploying classes, starting/stopping a job,
and checking agents/threads status. Requests come
as request objects from client services or from
other agents. 2. The Resource ns2 project in Arizona Manager provides methods to manage,
schedule, and maintain the resources of the
machine where the agent resides. It keeps records of
executing threads, machine and communication
resources’ utilization, and performance information.
In addition, it is responsible for ns2 project in Arizona reclaiming system
resources after each job’s completion or termination. 3. The Security Manager provides security measures
for the system (see Section 4.3 for details). 4. The Class Loader remotely loads user classes in
parallel onto the JVMs on the remote machines in
preparation for execution. 5. The Scheduler selects the machines to execute a user
job based on the requested number of processors.
One mechanism to generate a schedule is ns2 project in Arizona to execute
a test program to select the fastest responding
machines. This method provides a simple but basic
load balancing among the processors. However,
since this is an independent ns2 project in Arizona component, the scheduler
can be easily replaced by any suitable
scheduler to satisfy different policies and performance
requirements. The client servicesand environment APIs providecommands
for users to interact with the environment. Requests are
accepted from the user and passed to the agent after
encapsulation as an object with the ns2 project in Arizona necessary information.
The following commands are available for the user through
client services and for the other programming models and applications as APIs such as pjava to initiate a parallel job,
pingAgent to list available agent(s) and their status, listThreads
to list active threads, and killJob to terminate a job