ns2 project in Georgia
ns2 project in Georgia although the linear mode of operation is efficient with small clusters because no overhead is imposed from the structure, with the hierarchical structure on large clusters, most agent operations are performed in parallel resulting in faster response times. The hierarchical structure also provides
other advantages such as: 1. providing scalable mechanisms to easily expand the
system, 2. providing the update and recovery ns2 project in Georgia mechanisms for
automatic detection of agent failures or change of
status/resources and techniques to report errors and
adapt to changes, 3. providing routing capabilities in the leaders to
facilitate process communications across ns2 project in Georgia multiple
platforms over multihop links, and
4. making the agents management and ns2 project in Georgia monitoring
operations more efficient and less dependant on the
full connectivity of the system.
The middleware infrastructure is capable ns2 project in Georgia of supporting
different parallel programming models. An example of this
support is the implementation of the Java Object-Passing
Interface (JOPI) [23]. In addition, distributed applications
utilize this middleware infrastructure ns2 project in Georgia to facilitate their
operation. In this section, we discuss JOPI, which provides
APIs similar to MPI and facilitates information exchange
using objects. It utilizes the features provided by the
middleware, including the scheduling ns2 project in Georgia mechanisms, remote
deployment and execution of user classes, control of user
threads and available resources, and the security mechanisms.
In addition, JOPI was designed such that processes
communicate directly with one another if all job threads are
directly connected. Otherwise, the threads utilize the
agents’ routing capabilities. Benchmark ns2 project in Georgia programs were written to evaluate the performance
of the system using JOPI. All experiments, unless
otherwise mentioned, were conducted on Sandhills, a
cluster of 24 Dual 1.2 GHz AMD-processor nodes, 256 KB
cache per processor, and 1 GB RAM per node. The cluster is
connected via a 100 Mbps Ethernet. For these experiments,
standard JVM sdk 1.3.1 was used. To test the agent overhead, Java programs were executed
independently (without the agent) and then through the
agent. The average execution time for both executions were
measured and compared. Currently, a small ns2 project in Georgia overhead
(around 0.37 percent) was found since the agent is very
lightweight. We assume that adding more functions to the
agent may introduce additional, but relatively minor delays.
In addition, the overhead is relatively ns2 project in Georgia independent from the
application, thus it will increase only as ns2 project in Georgia the number of
processors or machines used increases.