Ns2 project in jordan
Ns2 project in Jordan regarding monitoring, the values of some attributes may be supplied automatically by the parallel programming system. Other attributes must be defined by the programmer. For example, in the sample ns2 project in Jordan quicksort program, the user may wish to be notified when the size of the Queueobject exceeds some predefined threshold. In that case, the programmer’s monitoring specification ns2 project in Jordan would explicitly define the attribute queuesizeof the Queueobject. The queuesizeattribute may be mapped to a variable called “q-size” in the application’s code. However, ns2 project in jordan attributes may also be defined in terms of multiple variables used in the application program.
In general, ns2 project in Jordan an attribute’s value is an expression over one or more variables. Attributes are typechecked by the PCS, through which the application was originally coded. again consider the Queueobject of the sample quicksort ns2 project in Jordan program. In order to evaluateworkload balancing among multiple processes performing thens2 project in Jordan sort of unsorted queue subranges, the user may wish to monitorthe attribute requestDurationfor ns2 project in Jordan each element of that queue.
This attribute is not predefined and is not maintainedas a variable in the code and therefore, cannot be generated bythe PCS.Instead, such ns2 project in Jordan an attribute must be computed for each request from the source code variables beginRequestTime and endRequestTimewhich are maintained in the code in this case. Two ns2 project in jordan simple languages are used for the specification of program monitoring in the context of the E-R model: the attribute language and the view language. All nondefault, monitorable attributes of a parallel program must be explicitly defined with the attributelanguage.