Ns2 project in oxford
Ns2 project in oxford applyingpereventrecordperturbationanalysis. After have been performed, the remainingview implementation plans are correct, but they can differmarkedly in performance. In this step, the monitor applies ans2 project in oxford simple analytical model, similar to that for latency, to estimatethe perturbation each plan would impose on the executingapplication process.
This model must be applied carefully,as ns2 project in oxford the absolute perturbation, expressed as the total CPU cost added to the execution time of the application process, depends on the total number of event records generated, ns2 project in oxford which of course is unknown a priori. The perturbation model is applied by partitioning all remainingplans into collections. Each plan in a collection will generate approximately the ns2 project in oxford same number of event records as other plans in that collection. Then, for each plan, the CPU overhead is estimated for the processor on which the application process is executing overhead on processors dedicated to monitoring will not perturb the application.
This estimate ns2 project in oxford is on a pereventrecordbasis, and is thus quite accurate. Those plans with an estimate higher than the minimum for the collection are eliminated, leaving one plan per collection. In our example, there would be collections, with these two plans in different ns2 project in oxford collections which would have an identicalcost per event record. Atthis point, plans differ in both their perturbation per event record andin the number of event records generated. To make a final choice, the monitor must estimate the relative number of ns2 project in oxfordevent records generated amongthe altemative plans.