Ns2 project in United States
Ns2 project in United States however, note that\ post-execution analysis in our system is restricted to those queries that are possible to ns2 project in United States answer with the partially analyzed information contained in the database. Turn a particular sensor on or off. This operation is performed to trigger a sampled sensor, or to begin or end the trace of a specific program ns2 project in United States attribute, such as the values of one of its variables. The issuer of this command may request to be notified when a condition or set of conditions regarding the variable’s values becomes true. Probe the current value of a program attribute Retrieve the value of a program attribute which the monitor is or has been tracing.
The value is ns2 project in United States retrievedfrom the monitor’s database. The next section presents a model of information for use by the monitoring system and shows that this model is an appropriate basis for monitoring specifications. Such specifications are compiled into efficient collection and analysis mechanisms that employ the operations just presented.
In order to make the monitoring system independent of specific languages, compilers, operating systems, etc., we ns2 project in United States describe in terms of an abstract information model based on the information model the programs for which monitoring is to be performed, the hardware and software environment in which the programs execute, the data to be collected, and ns2 project in United States the calculations to be performed.Our model includes typed entities, typed relationships between entities, and typed sets of both. The model can incorporate static information about parallel programs and about their execution environments , ns2 project in United States thus capturing compile- and load-time program information, hardware configuration, and others.