OUTAGE probability is an important performance metric for wireless networks operating over fading channels . It is commonly defined as the probability that the signalto interference-plus-noise ratio (SINR) drops below a given threshold. Outage Probability in Arbitrarily-Shaped Finite Wireless Networks The analysis of the outage probability and interference in wireless networks has received much attention recently . For the sake of analytical convenience and tractability, all the aforementioned studies and many references therein assumed infinitely large wireless networks and often used a homogeneous Poisson point process (PPP) as the underlying model for the spatial node distribution. Outage Probability in Arbitrarily-Shaped Finite Wireless Networks A homogeneous PPP is stationary i.e., the node distributionis invariant under translation. This gives rise to locationindependent performance, statistically the network characteristics such as mean aggregate interference and average outage probability as seen from a node’s perspective are the same for all nodes. Mathematical tools from stochastic geometry have been applied to obtain analytical expressions for the outage probability in infinitely large wireless networks ,. Outage Probability in Arbitrarily-Shaped Finite Wireless Networks The outage analysis in infinite wireless networks has also been extended to wireless networks with the Poisson cluster process as well as to coexisting networks sharing the same frequency spectru. In practice, many real-world wireless networks comprise a finite number of nodes distributed at random inside a given finite region. The boundary effect of finite networks gives Outage Probability in Arbitrarily-Shaped Finite Wireless Networks rise to non-stationary location-dependent performance, i.e., the nodes located close to the physical boundaries of the wireless network experience different network characteristic as compared to the nodes located near the center of the network. As a result, the modeling and performance analysis of finite wireless networks requires different approaches as opposed to infinite wireless networks. For example, when a finite number of nodes are independently and uniformly distributed (i.u.d.) inside a finite network, a Binomial point process (BPP), rather than a PPP, provides an accurate model for the spatial node distribution . Outage Probability in Arbitrarily-Shaped Finite Wireless Networks Unlike infinite wireless networks, deriving general results on the outage probability in finite wireless networks is a very difficult task because the outage performance depends strongly on the shape of the network region as well as the location of the reference receiver. In this work, we would like to investigate whether there exist general frameworks that provide easy-to-follow procedures to derive the outage probability at an arbitrary location in an arbitrarily-shaped finite wireless network.