WITH the worldwide growth in the adoption of smartphones and tablets, access to Internet video and video applications from mobile devices is projected to grow very significantly . When Internet video is accessed by a mobile device, the video must be Video-Aware Scheduling and Caching in the Radio fetched from the servers of a Content Delivery Network (CDN) . CDNs help reduce Internet bandwidth consumption and associated delay/jitter, but the video must additionally travel through the wireless carrier Core Network (CN) and Radio Access Network (RAN) before reaching the mobile device. Video-Aware Scheduling and Caching in the Radio Besides adding to video latency, bringing each requested video from the Internet CDNs can put significant strain on the carrier’s CN and RAN backhaul, leading to congestion, significant delay, and constraint on the network’s capacity to serve a large number of concurrent video requests. The above problem will be further exacerbated by the recent advances in radio technologies and architectures like LTE, LTE Advanced, small cells, and Het Nets, which will increase the radio access capacities very significantly, shifting the capacity challenge and congestion problem to RAN backhaul. Video-Aware Scheduling and Caching in the Radio According to Juniper Research, operatorswill need to spend almost $840 billion globally over the next five years in order to address serious bottlenecks in their RAN backhaul networks. According to a report just released by Strategy Analytics , “as global mobile data traffic grows by another 5 to 6 times over the next five years operators will face a new mobile capacity crunch by 2017 unless they increase traditional backhaul investment levels to match the anticipated growth in Radio Access Networks (RAN) capacity and user traffic.” According to the Video-Aware Scheduling and Caching in the Radio report, there will be potentially a 16-PB shortfall in backhaul capacity by 2017. To facilitate the tremendous growth of mobile video consumption without the associated problems of congestion, delay, and lack of capacity, in this paper we introduce caching of videos at (e)NodeBs at the edge of the RAN, shown in Fig. 1, so that most video requests can be served from the RAN caches, instead of having to be fetched from the Internet CDNs and travel through the RAN backhaul. Video-Aware Scheduling and Caching in the Radio In order to address end-to-end video capacity of the network, we also propose a video-aware wireless channel scheduler that will maximize the number of videos that can be delivered through the wireless channel, conscious of the channel conditions and the QoE needs of the videos.